Musings from the Threshold

Category Archives: Learning

Full Day, Full Heart…

Mom Smith, Davey, Barak, and I were at Child Evangelism Fellowship International Headquarters in Warrenton, MO today for a day long workshop in preparation for this year’s Good News Clubs. Dad and Mom Smith have been doing clubs for the last three years, and I’m prayerfully planning to join the team this year. We’ll see what the Lord works out about a work vehicle for Jonathan so I can take the van/kids to Club with me. 🙂 Anyway, it was a day full of learning, and very profitable.

As is usually the case, spending all day thinking on the gospel message gave me such a thankful heart. That the Creator of the universe would love me so much that He sent His only Son to take my place, to pay the price for my sin, is overwhelming. That He not only died, but rose again triumphant and is seated at the right hand of the Father – wow! What a joy to know that the price for my redemption from the sin that separated me from God and doomed me to an eternity without Him, has been paid for, and that because of His precious blood, I have eternal life!!

I have several friends, from two families, who are facing the possibility/likelihood of loosing their earthly fathers in the near future. With them on my heart, and my heart so full of thankfulness for my Saviour, these two precious hymns came to mind tonight…

O That Will Be Glory For Me
by Charles H. Gabriel

When all my labors and trials are o’er,
And I am safe on that beautiful shore,
Just to be near the Lord I adore,
Will thro’ the ages be glory for me.

O that will be glory for me,
Glory for me, glory for me;
When by His grace I shall look on His face,
That will be glory, be glory for me.

When, by the gift of His infinite grace,
I am accorded in heaven a place,
Just to be there and to look on His face,
Will thro’ the ages be glory for me.


Friends will be there I have loved long ago;
Joy like a river around me will flow;
Yet, just a smile from my Saviour, I know,
Will thro’ the ages be glory for me.

and another favorite…

Nothing But the Blood
by Robert Lowry

What can wash away my sin?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus;
What can make me whole again?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

Oh! precious is the flow
That makes me white as snow;
No other fount I know,
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

For my pardon, this I see,
Nothing but the blood of Jesus;
For my cleansing this my plea,
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

Nothing can for sin atone,
Nothing but the blood of Jesus;
Naught of good that I have done,
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

This is all my hope and peace,
Nothing but the blood of Jesus;
This is all my righteousness,
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

Now by this I’ll overcome—
Nothing but the blood of Jesus;
Now by this I’ll reach my home—
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

Glory! Glory! This I sing—
Nothing but the blood of Jesus,
All my praise for this I bring—
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

and finally, a wonderful song shared on FB that was a blessing. I’d never heard it before…


whatever the lessons
whatever the tools
whatever the time-frame
to love You more
to know You more
to become more like You
driven to my knees
in the light of
Your sacrifice
Your majesty
Your love
take me and make me
no matter the cost
no matter the pain
no matter how long the road
to lay hold of that
for which also You
laid hold of me

surrendering. again, and yet as never before. on the hill beside our pond yesterday, knees and face to the ground

A week for alkalizing

I noticed on Sunday afternoon that I was starting to feel awfully acidic (heartburn, general yucky feeling, etc). I tried to ignore it, but by Monday morning, I realized that I needed to focus on moving my body toward alkaline this week. And I needed to do it fast, because my beloved sis-in-law and The Cousins are coming on Friday (woohooo!!!!), and I know I’m going to be eating all sorts of fun stuff while they’re here.

Without getting into a bunch of details, I’ll try to give a brief explanation of the acid/alkaline (ph) issue. Everything you eat has the effect of causing your body to become more acidic or more alkaline. For your health, it’s best to have a ph that is slightly alkaline (around 7.2). I believe most Americans have a very acidic body ph, something that leads to all sorts of health problems. Rule of thumb – fresh fruits and vegetables are the most alkalizing, meats and processed foods are the most acidifying. I’ve done a lot of learning and have long way to go, but that’s probably the simplest way to sum it up.

I started learning about ph in the midst of my cervical cancer concern, and in conjunction with figuring out why I could no longer tolerate coffee and had constant heartburn. When I started testing my ph, it was around 5. That’s truly dreadful. With a radical change of diet for several months, I brought it up to around 7.2, and have been able to maintain that with a way of eating that seems reasonable and workable for me. But there are times when I get off track with my eating, and I realize I need to adjust course.

This past weekend is the first time that I’ve had such obvious evidence that I was off track and needed to re-stabilize my ph. Since Monday, I’ve been eating more alkalizing foods and very little of foods that acidify my body, and I am feeling much better already. By the weekend, I should be ready for a few splurges. Woot!

Perhaps the reason I’m blogging about this at all is that it is a reminder to me of some of the lessons I’ve learned in the last few years.

In general, I believe that it is important to live in moderation. As I’ve learned more about health and nutrition, I’ve sought to implement that knowledge in a way that is workable for our family and not too extreme. I’ve done this with varying degrees of success, so I’m not tooting my own horn, just sharing my perspective/goals.

Alongside a growing commitment to moderation and grace has come the realization that there are times when a less moderate, dare I say – radical, approach is appropriate. When faced with the possibility of cervical cancer, I was very willing to get extreme about my way of eating! There are other times when, usually for a temporary period, it seems appropriate to “get radical” in one way or another.

The goal for me is to be able to come back to a moderate way of life. I want to be radical in my love for my Savior all the time, and I want to walk with Him steadily, in a way that demonstrates His amazing grace.

Mixed emotions on the homestead

I’m sure true homesteaders might take exception to my use of the word homestead to describe our efforts here on our rental property, but it’s all part of our effort to work toward becoming more self-sufficient and resourceful. So to us, it’s our homestead.

This afternoon, I had a terrific time in the garden. I’ll interrupt myself to acknowledge that that might sound crazy. If you had told me even last summer that those words would be typed by my fingers, I would’ve thought you were lacking in the marbles department. But I feel like I’ve discovered something wonderful. The whole process of planning, planting, weeding, tending… I love it. Some parts of the process are obviously more fun than others. But it is such a rewarding journey.

I spent some time clearing weeds around our tomato plants, staking ones that needed additional support (incidentally, in the future, the plan is to stake from the beginning and forget the cages), and trimming some of the lower branches that were sucking energy from growing tomatoes.

The corn patch is doing well, and the Blessings have it almost all weeded. I don’t believe I explained my acute arthritis flare up last week… Basically, we had hoped that the corn would outpace the weeds in the corn patch. Well, the weeds were about to take the lead, so last Monday I attacked them with a vengeance… and discovered that really tall weeds take a lot of work to pull. My hands swelled up and hurt like crazy for a couple days. So finishing the corn patch weeding is now the task of younger and sprier hands.

Miscellaneous other garden updates – Our summer squash and zucchini are looking fantastic! There are actually several itty bitty squash and zucchini growing now, and it’s exciting to see them. I’ve been working the last couple of days moving around our cardboard mulch (love that!), since the places where I placed the cardboard originally are utterly weed free now. Very cool. Still lots of places where I didn’t have enough cardboard or where cardboard wouldn’t fit well, but I’m definitely pleased with the results.

I have a long list of things I need to do in the garden, but as I sat staking and caring for tomatoes, listing to my man running the weed-eater around the yard, I was filled with joy and excitement over the learning that we’re doing and the progress that we’re making.

And then Josiah called from the chicken coop, “Mom, there are only four chicks in the pen, and one of them is limping!”

I finished the tomato plant I was working on, and called to Jonathan on my way to the chicken coop. We arrived to find that Josiah was unfortunately correct. We had gone from 7 chicks to 4.

After checking on the remaining chicks, we set about trying to figure out what had gotten the chicks, or, more importantly, how it had gotten them. The pen where the chicks have been living is attached to the chicken coop, and seemed pretty secure. Jonathan checked all along the base and found a spot where a board was pulled away and a predator could have entered. The strange thing was that there were no feathers… but Jonathan got busy clearing out around the pen and strengthening that weak area. It looks so much better now!

As he used the weed-eater on the back side of the pen (I think he figured he didn’t want to leave any hiding spots for a predator), Jonathan discovered some feathers. Apparently, something had climbed the side of the pen and gotten in a small opening in the chicken wire that covers the top. Not as secure as we had thought… at least not for chickens not yet full grown.

When all was said and done (at least for tonight), we decided to put the four remaining chicks in the duck pen. One has an injured leg, and one has lost an eye. They are just too small to be accepted by the full-grown chickens, which makes it difficult to put them in the coop at night for safety. The ducks weren’t thrilled, but I think we found a workable arrangement, with a spot for the chicks to roost out of the ducks’ way. Hopefully they’ll adjust well, and since the ducks spend most of the day up at the pond, they will all get some space.

So, I suppose it was a good reality check for us, and a reminder that we still have loads to learn. A disappointing reality check, but it’s kind of like the poem that urges us to be thankful for laundry, because we have clothes to wear; to be thankful for dirty toilets, because we have indoor plumbing; etc. I’m deeply thankful that we have the opportunity to do many new things this year – plant and tend a garden, have chickens, have ducks, take care of a 10 acre piece of property, etc. We have much to be thankful for, and I’m eager to continue the learning experience.

A Mother’s Day Lesson

Last night/this morning I was blessed to be part of an encouraging and refreshing “conversation” via Facebook. I’m going to copy it here for your enjoyment and, hopefully, blessing.

Laurel – had a really lovely day with my family, including both sets of our parents for a grilled supper. Our moms liked their gifts; I got a forsythia bush from Dad & Mom Smith, a phone from J, and a visit from Papa & Mama. Is it okay that it stings that not one of my seven beloved children told me Happy Mother’s Day or acknowledged me in any way today? Or does my disappointment show my shallowness and need to grow up?

Becky at 10:58pm May 10
I think they should’ve been prompted! 🙂 I don’t think it’s a character flaw on your part.

Nanci at 11:03pm May 10
Know what I got? I did get a couple happy mother’s day wishes and my oldest fixed me a glass of water. But I am so blessed. My stinky boys love me, I know. No, your disappointment doesn’t mean you’re shallow. People need or expect different things on different occasions. Usually on mother’s day, my mom and I go play all day together. (shopping, lunch, pampering) and I don’t see my kids til evening. Go figure though, I enjoyed my whole day just being able to clean my parents’ house. I love you Laurel–you’re a lovely spirit. I miss those days in French class with you.

Jennifer at 11:11pm May 10
It is okay and be comforted that – it will come. They will learn to appreciate you and show it – eventually 🙂 Mother’s Day is only ONE day. I am thankful that I get to spend all the little moments with them all the time. Many moms don’t get to spend as much time as we do sewing into them! Happy Mother’s Day (every day)!!

Laurel at 11:21pm May 10
Thanks for the sweet thoughts, my friends. 🙂
I wanted to add that the Lord showed me years ago that Mother’s Days are always wonderful when I consider them to be a day for *me* to celebrate the privilege of being Mama to my Blessings. So my expectations are generally not for what I will receive or “get.” Perhaps I didn’t take the time to get my mind set quite right this year. Thankfully, the Lord is faithful, and He’ll help me do better next year!

Shawna at 11:26pm May 10
Great attitude Laurel! And you know what, the day isn’t over yet! There is still time to go kiss each of their cheeks and pray over them, thanking the Lord for the opportunity to be their mother!

Nanci at 11:38pm May 10
I think we just had a women’s Bible study and I’m thankful for that. See, FB IS good for something!

Wendy at 11:44pm May 10
I had to say something to both James and Shay–Dad was the first one to acknowledge the day for me. Happy Mother’s Day!

Angela at 9:23am May 11
God made us with a desire to be appreciated. He wouldn’t be telling us that He will reward those who earnestly seek Him or well done good and faithful servant if He didn’t make us with that need. We just need to remember that if our kiddos don’t acknowledge or affirm us that Our heavenly Father DOES! That may not take the sting away, but it certainly does remind me that my worth is from Him! PRAISE GOD!

Lynn at 11:14am May 11
Ya know Laurel, it takes quite a mother to take care of 7 kids and misplace a few now and then…Here at this Smith house I do all the coooking, most of the cleaning, takin the kids to dr appts., and all of the motherly things, but yet my wife get the credit for doing the moms in a weird way i know how ya feel..but deep down my reward for my work is in seeing my children happy, and them not beeing afraid

Lynn at 11:15am May 11
oops hehe, that was suposed to say NOT misplace a few now and then..humm…

Laurel at 11:29am May 11
lol, well, I do misplace one every now and then, but usually not for long! 🙂 For the record, Lynn, I think you are a terrific father, and your kids are all blessed to have you.
I so appreciate the thoughts that all of you have shared, and I think it’s nifty that most of you don’t even know the others who have been part of this conversation. What a great use of technology!
Last night, I went in and gave each of my children a kiss/hug/pat on the leg (it was all I could reach!), thanking the Lord for them and praying that He will bless and guide them (and that they will follow). I am more thankful than I could ever express to be Mama to these precious children. Yesterday’s lesson made me even more aware of that, and more grateful than ever.


O teach me what it meaneth,
That cross uplifted high,
With One, the Man of Sorrows,
Condemned to bleed and die!
O teach me what it cost Thee
To make a sinner whole;
And teach me, Savior, teach me
The value of a soul!

O teach me what it meaneth,
That sacred crimson tide,
The blood and water flowing
From Thine own wounded side.
Teach me that if none other
Had sinned, but I alone,
Yet still Thy blood, Lord Jesus,
Thine only, must atone.

O teach me what it meaneth,
Thy love beyond compare,
The love that reacheth deeper
Than depths of self-despair!
Yes, teach me, till there gloweth
In this cold heart of mine
Some feeble, pale reflection
Of that pure love of Thine.

O teach me what it meaneth,
For I am full of sin,
And grace alone can reach me,
And love alone can win.
O teach me, for I need Thee,
I have no hope beside—
The chief of all the sinners
For whom the Savior died!

O teach me what it meaneth
The rest which Thou dost give
To all the heavy-laden
Who look to Thee and live.
Because I am a rebel
Thy pardon I receive
Because Thou dost command me,
I can, I do believe.

O infinite Redeemer!
I bring no other plea;
Because Thou dost invite me
I cast myself on Thee.
Because Thou dost accept me
I love and I adore;
Because Thy love constraineth,
I’ll praise Thee evermore!

by Lucy A Bennett (1850-1927)


First, check out this terrific post On Being Real.

The whole subject of being Real is something that has been on my heart for the last few years. I know it’s come up here more than once. I think fake-ness is one of the biggest problems the body of Christ faces today. Well, it’s actually pride, I suppose, because that’s what generally keeps us from being real. We wouldn’t want to let anyone know the dirty truth… that we’re parenting sinners, we’re married to sinners… that (gasp!) we ARE sinners… saved by grace, given a new nature, and still desperately in need of the practical work of sanctification. So we whitewash the truth about ourselves, thinking that everyone else has it all together (thank you, Jill Phillips), when everyone struggles, everyone needs to know they’re not alone, and we should be supporting one another, not faking each other out.

And to be clear, the fakeness is not a malady I’ve conquered. But it’s one I see God working on in me.

Other randomness…
Grace has been sick with stomach yuck since Monday morning. In that time, she’s kept next to nothing down. Today, I am on a mission to re-hydrate her without having to go get her stuck with an IV. I’m giving her 1 tsp of fluid every 10 minutes (homemade pedialyte). She kept the first several tsp down, then brought it all up at once. We’re back up to having successfully kept down 2 tsp. If she can’t get something in to stay, we’re thinking we might need to take her in later today. Your prayers are appreciated!

Jonathan got the garden tilled on Monday. Tip for noobie gardeners… front tine tillers will kick you in the booty! Whether you’re buying or renting, go for the rear-tine. Free advice from noobie gardener central.

Stephen is enjoying making all sorts of sounds with his tongue. It’s so fun, because I remember learning to making those sounds with my sweet Mama. He also has started trying to tickle my neck. Too cute!

Nobody’s Got It All Together

I’ve posted a video of this song before, but the Realness issue is on my heart today (see next post), and I found someone who had taken the time to type out the lyrics. Hope it blesses you!

Jill Phillips – Nobody’s Got it All Together

Working hard to tie up the loose ends
So hard to decide who you let in
Put your best foot forward with a grin

I can see the fear behind your eyes
Wondering if someone will recognize
You’ve grown tired of keeping up the lies

Don’t whitewash the truth about yourself ‘cause
Nobody’s got it all together
If you want to be like everyone else, well
Nobody’s got it all together

I have seen the darkness of my heart
And found a love that taught me its too hard
To walk through life and not let down my guard

What good is it to say, “Please Savior come”
If there is nothing you need rescued from
Life is something no one has a corner on

Don’t whitewash the truth about yourself ‘cause
Nobody’s got it all together
If you want to be like everyone else, well
Nobody’s got it all together

When the parts that are self righteous
Start to disappear
Every other life is
Just another mirror
‘Cause life is way too short to run and hide

Don’t whitewash the truth about yourself ‘cause
Nobody’s got it all together
If you want to be like everyone else, well
Nobody’s got it all together

And here’s a video… kind of a rough recording, but it’s the best I can find: