Musings from the Threshold

Category Archives: Linkage

Have you seen her?

Over the last couple of days, I’ve been seeing all these news headlines on my various feeds about some big surprise on a British talent tv show. I’m not into tv; I’m not into reality shows, tv talent shows, etc. But last night when Sue told me about this amazing performance, I headed to youtube to take a look.

I can’t embed the video, but it’s so worth the click. Check out Susan Boyle.

Back in the land of the living

The family started coming down with stomach yuck last Tuesday (Feb 3), and I’ve been pretty seriously sick since Saturday, so I’ve been a blog slacker!

I’m mostly better now, but running to catch up so that I can pull together the last minute details for our chapel Valentine’s Banquet tomorrow night, so I’m still going to be a blog slacker. But I have some really great links to share with you. Please check them out.

First, what I missed while I lay in bed on Tuesday – the 5th annual Cookie Day at the Missouri capitol in Jefferson City. Folks from around the state, from several different organizations, come to the capitol to show their support for midwives. This year was extra special because it’s the first year that we’ve had legal midwives in Missouri! Lots of neat pictures at that link.

And secondly, a very educational and insightful article on maternity care from Consumer Reports. And be sure to take the Maternity Care Quiz.

I’m off to prepare for the banquet!


The Deeper Halo – worthwhile thoughts on what comes after “the thrill”

Some Advent tools you might find handy…
An older Advent calendar that, though not updated, has some great resources
Information on the Advent season
Following the Star – an online Advent daily devotional
 Eleanor Zweigle’s Advent Study – great resource for families
So many blog posts are waiting, but I’m trying to be faithful in my “keeping,” and this break is over.  Back to my nest!