Musings from the Threshold

Category Archives: Activities

A Visit from the Cousins!

We met up with my sister-in-love and The Cousins at Katie’s wedding on June 26. Ethan and Isaiah rode home with us that night while our girls stayed the night in KC with Beka, Chloe and Abigail, who drove over the next day. Five boys, ages 9-14, plus a eager-to-imitate three year old made for quite an entertaining drive across Missouri! Andrew was with us too, of course, but he didn’t get in on the action this trip.

Though our time with Beka and the Cousins was too short, it was oh so sweet. We made it to meeting on Sunday, the boys had a blast Sunday afternoon doing guy stuff, and Beka and the girls joined us Sunday evening. They stayed until Tuesday afternoon, and we crammed in lots of memories!

I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves:

A Precious Wedding

On Saturday, June 26, a very special friend of mine* got married. We drove from one side of Missouri to the other and back again in one day to be there, and it was so worth it to see Katie and Craig get married!

I finished nursing Andrew shortly before the processional began, and didn’t want to go in in the midst of it, so I waited in the back, watching through the big windows and taking pictures of the wedding party.

The beautiful bride with my adorable nieces, Abigail and Chloe, who were her flower girls. My sis-in-love Beka was her matron of honor, but I somehow missed getting a picture of her.

Katie’s dad, Dan, died five years ago after a battle with cancer. Before her brother Mike walked her down the aisle, the song “Daddy’s Hands” was played as a tribute to Dan.(that’s our nephew Isaiah on the other side of Katie, and Beka’s dad in the background)

Ethan (Eric & Beka’s oldest) played Cannon in D for the processional, and did a terrific job. Instead of the two times through he planned, he played it over and over, about six times, as there were some hold ups in the back. He handled it like a professional, and I was so proud of him!

One of the things Katie and I share is a love for the color purple, and purple abounded at her wedding. It was gorgeous, and I wish I had taken more and better pictures.

The guys entertained themselves during the reception. I’m guessing Katie didn’t guess that her pretty sparklies would be used for battle strategy, but boys will be boys!
Davey and Josiah
Ethan and Barak
Jonathan figuring out a math formula

^When I was in eighth grade, I found myself rather lonely and without any close friends at our small Christian school. I starting praying for the Father to bring me a friend. It seemed rather daring to pray such a thing. But in the middle of the school year, along came Karla (Katie for her initials K.T). Nervous about switching schools, especially in the middle of the year, she was praying that God would have a friend ready for her. And He graciously brought us together!

We shared many years of laughter and tears (mostly laughter), and I often think of Katie when I think of answered prayer. Over the years and miles, we haven’t done a good job of staying in touch, but she will always be precious to me.

The Meeting of the May Day Babies

Some of you may remember me mentioning in my labor progress reports that friends of ours also had a baby on May 1st. Darling Elisabeth was born at home just after midnight and was taken to the hospital right away because she was born with spina bifida. She has the most serious type of spina bifida, but the weeks since her birth have been full of miracles, and she is doing remarkably well.

We were thrilled to get to meet Elisabeth this past Sunday at the FoMM picnic. Here are some cute pictures of our treasures together:
About the same weight, but the long and the short of it!

They’re both gazing at Jen in this one – so cute!
Jen, Elisabeth, Andrew, and I
Beautiful Blessings!

And a update

I seem to be in one of those seasons of life where there are so many thoughts and words in my head and heart that very few of them make it to the written word. I just checked and realized that I haven’t given a Mama/Baby update in almost a month. Yikes!

So… what’s been going on, pregnancy-wise?

Near the beginning of April, I started wearing my sacro-iliac support belt much less often, for three reasons. 1) Baby was not settling down like usual and I felt the belt was making things less than comfortable for Baby. 2) I was tired of feeling like an invalid and the belt was seriously restricting my movement ability. 3) I had gained enough strength in my SI joint and hips that my chiropractor was comfortable with me going without the belt more to see how things went.

The first week I just wore the belt less, but the past two weeks I haven’t worn it at all, haven’t missed it, and my appointments with my chiro have shown that I’m staying strong/gaining strength this way. The belt was extremely important and helpful in this pregnancy; I’m just beyond grateful that I don’t need it anymore.

I have been amazed at how much difference this change has made in my outlook and attitude. Not only am I more comfortable, I feel much more confident about labor and birth, about my health overall, and about my body’s ability to do what it needs to do. I once again really KNOW that my body was made for the task ahead, and that my Creator has equipped me and will walk with me through the journey.

Friday will mark the 37 week milestone. I am looking forward to passing that mark and being in the “comfort zone” as far as birthing at home is concerned. The last week or so has seen me restricting my activity level quite a bit, as I am feeling a good bit of pressure and tightness when I’m up and around very much. Once Friday arrives, I’ll feel more free to be up and around, taking care of things I’d like to have done before Baby arrives. I’d like to make it to 38 weeks, and think I will, but we’ll see.

Almost all of our “baby prep” is done. The birth pool is here (we still need to test for leaks), and all of the essential birth supplies are ready. I have about a dozen meals in the freezer; I would have liked to do more, but am happy with accomplishing what I have. There are several odds and ends that we need to take care of, but nothing that seems stressful or like things will fall apart without it.

And in non-pregnancy news…
We discovered last Friday that Davey has a very bad tooth. After several days of us researching options, he has a root canal scheduled for tomorrow morning at the dentistry school in St. Louis. We honestly don’t know how we’re going to pay for the whole process (the root canal is just the first step), but will take it one step at a time and watch to see how the Lord provides.

The garden is coming along. We’re a bit late on planting carrots and potatoes. Maybe we can get them in this week. Our seedlings are doing well and should be ready to plant next month when our planting guide says it’s time. We have peas, spinach, and onions coming up, and we need to replant the lettuce bed (my mulchers didn’t know that bed was already planted and didn’t need another layer of mulch).

We’re almost done with logging hours for this school year. We’ll stick with at least some math daily through the summer, and of course, reading. But it will be nice to have the hours recorded as required by our state.

Whew. That’s enough for today! Hope all is well with you!

This and That … and lots of it!

I haven’t been very good with blogging regularly about what’s going on around here, so it’s time for a This and That post…

Last month, Jonathan and I waited for a couple of hours in my backup OB’s office, then saw him for less than 10 minutes. We only got as much of his time as we did because I kept asking him questions. I couldn’t help but think, “and this is one of many reasons why we choose midwifery care.” On the bright side, we are in “the system” and don’t need to go back again. I will update my charts with the office by fax, and if there is a need for transport (which we don’t plan on, of course, but for which we want to be prepared), I should slide into things at the hospital without a bunch of hullabaloo about “not having prenatal care.”

Speaking of prenatal care, a couple days after the aforementioned 2 hour wait/<10 minute appt, my midwife's assistant arrived at our home for a prenatal visit. We spent a lovely and mutually respectful hour+ together. We talked about what I'm eating, how I'm feeling, my diastatis, how the baby is lying, and a myriad of other things related to baby and me. We walked around the house and talked about plans for birth, advantages/disadvantages of our house layout, etc. We drank tea together as we chatted. When she left, I felt thoroughly "cared for." THAT is what I call prenatal care. And yes, there are numbers and notes on my chart … probably in more categories than the Dr's office will know what to do with when I fax it to them.

In other news…

Stephen is definitely going through a stage where he is wanting to exert his will, so he’s keeping us on our toes. At the same time, he continues to be such a delight! His imagination is going full-steam, and while he adores playing with his siblings, he also plays happily by himself, totally engrossed in a world of his own making. He particularly enjoys playing with the tub of horses.

The Blessings received five seasons of Daniel Boone on DVD for Christmas. We’ve been watching it at lunchtime a few times a week and finished Season 1 yesterday. I had never seen it before, so it’s been an adventure for all of us.

Last night, Elanor mentioned that she had lost something and had looked all over for it. Stephen pipes up helpfully, “Did you look under the green couch?” “Yes.” “Did you look under the gray couch?” “Yes, Stephen.” 🙂

I’ve been looking across the table/room/yard/etc lately and realizing that Davey, our eldest Blessing, who will turn 14 in June, is looking more like a young man and less like a “boy.” This does funny things to my heart, but mostly makes me realize how much I like this young man.

Have I mentioned that we’ve finally figured out a laundry system that we can actually make work for us? It’s nothing fancy, just a three-bag laundry sorter in the laundry room where all the Blessings’ dirty clothes are deposited (two for darks, one for lights/whites), a white basket for light towels/sheets/blankets and a blue basket for dark towels/sheets/blankets. The four older Blessings have the responsibility of doing two loads of laundry from start to finish on “their” laundry day, picking whatever basket or bag is most in need of being done. Kate and Grace help fold and put away, and I need to start working with Kate on Fridays, working towards her having a laundry day as well. For some reason, this system seems to be one that we can make work, and the laundry room floor is no longer covered with dirty laundry 98% of the time.

Our guinea hens have started laying eggs! They actually lay them in the coop, which is wonderful for us. Hopefully as the weather warms they will continue to lay in the coop and not take to the fields as guineas are prone to do.

I finally finished getting our winter/Christmas decorations packed up and ready to go to the attic. They’ll go up and perhaps the baby tubs will come down…

The taping seems to be working well for keeping my abdominal separation from worsening. I finally started doing pilates again a couple night ago, and am thankful to be back to it. At the same time, I have to admit… it’s kickin’ my tail! But that’s a good thing.

We have our garden mostly planned out for this year and are eagerly awaiting the warming of the soil so that we can get started! We’re going to be using principles from the book Weedless Gardening by Lee Reich. No tilling, established beds/paths, and lots of mulch, for which we’ve found a good and cheap source. I’m sure you’ll be hearing more about it.

Speaking of the soil warming, I feel like I am blossoming as Spring moves in. I’ve enjoyed several days this week of sitting in the sunshine reading or working on a project. The warmer weather and the smell of spring is such a reminder of our Heavenly Father’s faithfulness! Last night, I fell asleep to the rumble of thunder, the patter of rain on the roof, the occasional distant flash of lightening… and woke to the sound of birds chirping while the sunshine streamed in my window. Spring Bliss!

See Yesterday, my photo blog, for some recent pictures. I’ll be updating it later today.

Cookie Day!

Wednesday was our 6th annual Cookie Day at the Missouri State Capitol, when families from around the state bake and package cookies and deliver them to the legislators in Jefferson City.

Here are our 24 packages of cookies:

And a close-up of the labels:

“Our” alcove next to Rep. Davis’s office.

Families came here to get their assignment sheets, then moved out all over the capitol to deliver cookies, cheer, and a message of, “We love having legal midwives in Missouri. Please don’t let that change!” 3,550 homemade cookies were delivered this year by 150 midwifery supporters. Great work!

We moved to this area just off the rotunda for lunch.

Jesse and Emily arranged for pizza delivery and folks were able to order ahead of time – it worked great! Samanda brought lots of drinks, which were most welcome. The above pictures were taken before the pizza or the crowds arrived.

The thing about which I’m always disappointed in myself on/after Cookie Day is the fact that I get so involved in what’s going on that I forget to take pictures. The preceeding pictures are all ones that Jonathan was thoughtful enough to take. If it weren’t for him, we wouldn’t have any of Cookie Day events. Thanks Babe!

And here are some pictures I took on our way to the van around 3pm. The Missouri capitol is a beautiful building, and I would love to plan several hours someday to take pictures both inside and out.

This and That

I haven’t been very wordy here lately, but I have been updating my photo blog semi-regularly, so if you want to see what we’re up to, that’s a blog to add to your reader/follow list/etc.

Had a great prenatal with my lovely midwife today. Unfortunately, she didn’t get to stay for supper as we had planned, but it was good to see her and get an update on the baby. FHTs 144 today, Fundal Height 25cm, various and sundry body fluids are fine. BP a bit high today, but hopefully it’s just a fluke.

Visited with an OB last week who is willing to be our backup in case of transport. We don’t anticipate needing to transport to the hospital, but being able to have an OB who is familiar with the mom is a wonderful thing about having legal midwives. It makes continuity and quality of care much better in the rare cases that the mom needs to transfer to the hospital from a planned home birth. We’re excited about having a doc who is willing to work with us.

I have a post to write about our recent yard-cleanup efforts, but I think it will wait for another day.

This Friday, we’re doing a progressive dinner with several of the families that live close to us. We’ll be having appetizers here, salad at the K’s, main dish at the W’s, and dessert at the T’s. Should be a great time, and I’ll try to remember to take plenty of pictures.

So… there you have it… this, that, and the other!

Christmas Day Fun

Here are some collages of our Christmas day fun. A few things I wish I had pictures of… our times together reading the story of Christmas and singing, the lovely Winterberry teapot that Dad and Mom Smith bought me, and evidence that our dear friend Georgia had Christmas dinner with us. It was a lovely day!