ad·vent [ad-vent] noun
1. a coming into place, view, or being; arrival: the advent of the holiday season.
2. ( usually initial capital letter ) the coming of Christ into the world.
3. ( initial capital letter ) the period beginning four Sundays before Christmas, observed in commemoration of the coming of Christ into the world.
4. ( usually initial capital letter ) Second Coming.
Word Origin & History –
“important arrival,” 1742, an extended sense of Advent “season before Christmas” (O.E.), from L. adventus “arrival,” from pp. stem of advenire “arrive, come to,” from ad- “to” + venire “to come” (see venue). Applied in Church L. to the coming of the Savior, either the first or the anticipated second… (Online Etymology Dictionary, © 2010 Douglas Harper)
Advent, the time when we ponder with wonder the coming of our Savior, and look forward with anticipation to His coming again, begins next Sunday, December 2. What an opportunity for family worship and memory-building around the true reason for the Christmas season!
I’d like to share with you again this year my book Anticipating the Savior – The Advent Wreath as a Tool for Worship. As I have said in the past, our family has been deeply blessed by the use of the Advent Wreath, and I pray that this offering of a free e-book will bless and aid your worship as well, whether you are worshipping alone or with a house full of family.
Just right click on the following link and choose “Save Target As” to save the .pdf file to your computer.
Anticipating the Savior_AdventWreath
I would be delighted for you to share this book with your friends and family. Would give me the grace of directing them here to share, please?
Quick shopping list for your Advent Wreath:
Four candles for the outer ring of candles. They can be tapers, votive, pillars… or whatever works for you. Depending on preference and availability, you need three purple or blue, and one pink or red. You might consider purchasing an extra set in case the first burns too low.
One white candle for the center Christ candle. I like to use a pillar, but find what suits you.
Candle holders for safety. I use simple individual candle holders for my tapers, and a small glass plate for my pillar.
Greenery of some sort for your wreath. An actual wreath, a length of garland, live evergreen branches… the form is much less important than the heart!
Thank you so much for this awesome resource for me and my family to use! This is the first year that we will be observing the Advent season, and I really wanted to make it special and significant, yet keep it simple enough for my young children to stay involved as they learn to keep their focus on Jesus. I appreciate your work in putting together this book. Please know that it will bless many for generations to come. Thank you, and blessings to you and your family!
Thank you so much for sharing. Please add my email address to get your blog. Thank you. Susan