Some of you have heard me state before that the one blight I see on Missouri homeschooling law (which is really one of the best in the country) is the logging requirement. It’s been my biggest struggle in homeschooling, though I think I’ve finally found a system that is helping me keep it under control.
At the beginning of May, I figured up the hours we had and realized that we had an unbelievable number of hours still needed for the younger two. I’ve been feeling totally overwhelmed with the idea of trying to work in these impossible hours of schooling during May and June, while I’m doing some serious nesting and will be having a baby.
Yesterday, I realized that I had logged almost no “non-core” hours for most of the year. So yesterday evening, while the guys played the great railroad game 1835, I reconstructed some of the non-core hours that are a part of our weekly life (like running around outside = PE; washing dishes/helping with dinner = Home Ec, etc). I found that I actually DO have enough hours for this year at this point – for all the required loggers. Woohoo!!!
So this week is going to turn into a wrap-up week, and then we will be off school until at least the beginning of July!! Praise the Lord!
Note to self for future use: Log the Non-Core hours from the beginning of the “school year” and you will have less stress!!
yay! I know exactly how you feel! we got our 180th day last thurs. (we school mon-thurs) This week we are doing achievement tests and then we are done. wahoo! We are headed to THRBC to celebrate.
I was so wanting to go to Mem. Day Family Camp, but J nixed that idea long ago. And it’s probably a good thing… I’m having to really limit my activity level to try to be sure I don’t go into labor before we go to Kansas. Still, esp. knowing you’re going, I wish we were!
And congrats on getting all your days in!!!
I was wondering today if we would see you there…but I understand. I have started contracting already, and after a trip to Tulsa this weekend, I am wondering how many more places I will be able to go before this little one arrives. If J gets a wild hair, maybe you could come down for a day or something! :)When do you leave for KS? Will you come see me on your way?
Our current plan is to leave next Thursday (the 31st). We’re bringing Ellie with us – she’s so excited.Is that a good day for you? If so, I’ll see if J is willing to drive I-70 from KC insted of I-35. I don’t know what time we’ll get on the road, but I’m guessing it won’t be until noon, lol.
yeah, that day is great..I have to set up for a garage sale in the pm but if you leave at noon, :), we would could make you dinner. And if you are earlier, then we could have a snack! 🙂 what week are you?
36 weeks today! Off for a prenatal now. 🙂