Musings from the Threshold

Category Archives: Parents

Fun with the folks on Mother’s Day

We so enjoyed having my parents here with us for almost a week! We were given a terrific excuse to have them for a visit when Mama was invited to speak at the Mother Daughter Tea and Papa was asked to speak at the chapel on Sunday.

We are blessed that our folks are some of our best friends, and we had a fun time playing Rage with them on Sunday night.

Birthday Pool

On a cold and drizzly day in May, the Blessings’ birthday present from Papa and Gramma Byrd arrived – a virtually indestructible pool (aka stock tank)!

And a few days later, on a slightly warmer (and sunny) day, some of them got in!

Our own little Polar Bear Club.

Fathers and Daughters

On my way home a couple of weeks ago, I heard a song that made it almost impossible for me to drive. It was more than a poignant reminder. It was actually very revealing to me, and made me treasure my Papa even more.

Here’s the video. Embedding is disabled, so I can’t put it directly in the blog, but go take a listen.

It brought to my mind this picture of our wedding day. It’s a shot someone caught of Papa walking me down the aisle. It’s always touched me deeply – me glowing, and Papa… well, not so much.

(This also reminds me that I need to get our wedding pictures into digital format… sorry about the ink spot on Papa’s cheek!)

There’s so much more in my heart for which I’m not finding words..

Ladies, be sure to tell your fathers you love them today.

Papa, I just want to say again how thankful I am for you and how blessed I am to be your daughter. Thank you for teaching, training, and guarding me all those years, for leading me to the Most Important Love of all, and for being such an amazing example. You and Mama, with lots of help from the Lord (of course!!), are blame for most everything good about who I am today. I love you both dearly.