Musings from the Threshold

Monthly Archives: November 2006

My Balancing Journey – Part 2 – The Nerve to Ask

July 7-9, 2006, I had the joy of spending the weekend with a wonderful group of women who have a combined knowledge pool on women’s health issues that would blow you away. They are also a terrificly diverse group of dear friends, and this weekend retreat with them has been a life-changing event both years that I have gone.

On Saturday evening, I got up my nerve to ask about the things that were going on with my body. This roomful of wise women looked at me, then looked at each other. You know when folks look at each other like they know something you don’t know? Aggravating, isn’t it? Well, then they asked me how old I was (setting off alarm bells – yikes! It couldn’t be that!), and when I told them I would turn 33 at the end of the month, most murmured that I was too young. However, my dear friend Mary was in the back of the room, shaking her head, so I asked her what she was thinking.

Mary shared with me that she had been doing a lot of research lately, and was learning that it is becoming more and more common for women to be showing signs of pre-menopause early – even in their early 30’s! This is due in great part to the huge amount of estrogens and xenoestrogens (chemicals that act just like estrogens in our bodies) that are present in our environment. Indeed, my symptoms were typical pre-menopausal symptoms, and were probably due to an hormonal imbalance.

My Balancing Journey – Part 1 – Beginning to Grasp Reality

In May of 2006, we were down in NC to visit family, and I missed most of a day of precious fellowship with family because I was in such intense pain.

I was finally able to put into words some things that had been going on with my body for the last 6-8 months. It wasn’t cramps – I’ve known cramps for years. It was as if what my body had formerly done over the course of 5 days each month, it was now trying to do all in one day. It didn’t quite accomplish that; it took 3 days usually, but the intensity of that one day would blow me out of commission entirely.

I also began to grasp that something had to be going on. What, I didn’t know, and I didn’t know how to find out. Maybe I didn’t want to find out…

Where’d that big truck go that ran over me??

Yep, yesterday was my big day to get hit with whatever this bug is that’s plowed through the family this week. I’d still not back to normal, but I’m marginally functional today. Jonathan’s convinced I’ll be just ducky for our chapel Talent Night today (which we’re hosting). I’m not so sure, but I hope he’s right. 🙂

Since movement isn’t such a good thing right now, I’m going to try to get some blogging done. That and a big nap this afternoon!

Sick Count Update

Okay… 2 done, 3 recovering, 1 in the midst…

Things to be thankful for –

The child that handles being sick the worst is the only one sick right now. God knows I need all available patience and grace for this one!

She’s sick during the day. I was dreading another long night of holding sick heads, changing clothes, doing laundry, etc, etc, etc

So far, I’m only pregnancy nauseous, which for me isn’t a violent thing, just an ebb and flow of greenness.


I think I’ve had a breakthrough! I realized today that I really want to blog more about this pregnancy, to have a written record of the process, etc. #7 babies just don’t normally have a very good shot at knowing what things were like when they were on the way, etc, and I want a record for this little one.

That led me to realize that, while it didn’t begin that way, blogging has unfortunately become more about if I’m read and commented on than about writing. I want to re-focus there.

And I need to go give lunch to those of my Blessings who can eat it. Doozey of a flu this week. 2 down, 3 in process, 1 looking green (that ‘s the kid count… Laurel looks green much of the time, lol).